01 Folded Staircases
Folded staircases are smart and sleek, with a neat minimalist style. The primary
distinguishing feature are the folded treads and risers. The risers are the same thickness as the treads and sit flush with the front of each tread to create a geometric style ‘zig-zag’
effect along their edge.
Very much like floating staircases in terms of design, folded staircases often rely on
structural glass or a cantilever for support. Interestingly though, they can instead be
combined quite easily with almost any other style of support mechanism to create a mixed design.
The simple shape of folded treads and risers lend themselves easily to constructing
underneath, making them ideal when planning to incorporate under-stairs storage
Explore our gallery of folded staircase images for more inspiration.
02 portfolio
Many thanks for the great job you did with our staircase Meinolf. The combination of good design, precision engineering and your hard work in installing the staircase has resulted in a sturdy yet artistic high-quality structure that blends in harmoniously with the other elements of our conversion, and has attracted many favourable comments from our friends.
Thanks for our wonderful stairs! The staircase is a piece of art.
Thank you for the superb installation…the stairs promote many positive comments.